Case Studies
Delayed more than three years from the time Maryland voters approved a referendum
allowing slot gambling, the Maryland Live! Casino broke ground in January 2011.
To meet the developer’s goal of opening in 18 months, the $500M, 330K sq ft construction
project was “fast-tracked” to enable project phases to occur concurrently. Prompt
processing of transmittals and approvals was essential to ensure the project team
met its scheduled milestones.
In addition to an aggressive construction schedule, the project team was geographically
dispersed. The project architects and designers were based in Nevada. The engineers
operate from offices in Pennsylvania and New Jersey. All supported the construction
site in Anne Arundel County, Maryland.

After comparing several document management systems, the Maryland Live! project
team selected BPOL-NG to store all project documents; drawings, specifications,
announcements, and sketches. Since the project required a submittal process that
would facilitate drawing approval with subcontractors, the project team utilized
the Document Control services. The general contractor utilized the Announcement
feature to notify subcontractors when new drawings, RFIs, and submittals are loaded
into project folders in BPOL-NG. A subcontractor utilized the viewer tools to comment
and “mark-up” the submittal.
The subcontractor utilized BPOL-NG and notified the general contractor and architect
that the drawing had been marked up. The general contractor reviewed the mark up
and used the Viewer to stamp the drawing approved.
The paperless process, another consideration of the project team, allowed the construction
to continue at the brisk pace required. When necessary, however, BPOL-NG users from
the project team used the application’s shopping cart feature to order printing
and have it delivered to the job site.